Join us for Worship
Sunday 9:00am Saturday 5:00pm
Our Sunday service is live streamed on 94.3 FM radio.
Our Sunday service video can be found by clicking on the YouTube Button below:
Sunday 9:00am Saturday 5:00pm
Our Sunday service is live streamed on 94.3 FM radio.
Our Sunday service video can be found by clicking on the YouTube Button below:
Sign up to get our monthly newsletter, The Carillon, by email
Sign up here for our NEW Bible Study group, "Breaking Bread with Jesus".
Current Service Bulletin and YouTube Link:
WELCOME We’re glad that you’ve chosen to visit our website today. We are a congregation dedicated to the testimony of Jesus Christ and His presence in our lives. We believe He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Please take some time to learn more about our church and the services and resources we can offer. We would love to contact you personally and keep in touch with you after you visit one of our Sunday morning or Saturday evening services.
Witness of Worship - Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
(Please let us know if you are worshipping with us virtually today!) Prayer Concerns
Members Susan Veale, David Christesen Family Members Amber Brownlow, Iris Gaffey & Baby-to-be Hannah, Connie Veale-Jarrett, Sonny Querio, Laura Lobner Friends of Members Kevin Richtig, Kim Bronk, Bill Edens Military Andrew Perla, Asher & Emily Boyd, Neil Bradley, Claire Oberthaler, Luke Benbow, Chris Carlson, Travis Smith, Zachariah Groskreutz, Connor Milbrath, Sam Carlson, Nick Schroeder, Bryce Nault Kijitonyama Lutheran Church, sister congregation, Tanzania To add a name, please fill out the form above, or call the church office during open hours. Names stay on the list for one month unless requested. Please be sure that you have asked their permission. |
![]() Saturday Worship at 5:00 p.m. Sunday Worship at 9:00 a.m. Radio Broadcast on WZNL- FM 94.3 & YouTube Live Stream 9:00 a.m. Sunday Church Office Hours Mon 9am-3pm Tue 9am-3pm Wed 9am-2pm Thur 9am-3pm Fri 9am-12pm Sunday School & Youth GroupChildren ages 4 through 6th grade meet in the Fellowship Hall on Sundays for songs, games, Bible lessons, and fellowship!
OSL Youtube Channel and Facebook PageOur Saviour's has a Youtube Channel which has a collection of recorded sermons and services. A new and updated Facebook page has also been set up. All of this is in an effort to improve how we can connect as a part of God's family.
5:00pm - Evening Communion Worship Sunday 9:00am - Traditional Worship ~Praise and Worship Service the 2nd Sunday of each month. Join us for Contemporary worship music played by our Praise Band! ~ Communion Worship Service the 1st 2nd & 3rd Sunday of each month. ~ Children's Message the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month. Location |